Saturday, May 4, 2024

May. 1 24

 The day was mostly cloudy, dry, and very warm. The sky looked to be mostly cloudy, during the morning, afternoon, evening, and night. It felt warm, during the early and mid-morning, late evening, and night. It felt warm, during the late morning, afternoon, and early evening. The wind speeds were light with moderate and moderately strong gusts, during the morning, afternoon, evening, and night. There was a 40 to 70 percent chance for rain for the Houston, TX area, during the day and night. There were isolated to scattered heavy showers and thunderstorms North and West of the Houston, TX area, during the day and night. I witnessed a steady drizzle where I was in the Houston, TX area, during the late evening and possibly some off and on light drizzle, during the night and maybe some rain drops during the morning or afternoon.

Thoughts: The rain is not quite made it into the Houston area just yet.

Locations: Montrose, Montronome, Copperfield, Norrhwest, and West Houston, TX.

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